Welcome to our new Husker Horse Info blog. Through this blog we will post a variety to tips and information that will help you with your horses, horse activities, and things going on at UNL related to horses. We will make every attempt to post information routinely and timely.
As we are in the midst of a very hot time, you may want information on how to help your horses survive this blistering heat! One thing to consider is are they getting enough salt?
Ever notice your horse trying to lick your hands? Your horse may be telling you it is in need of salt. If the craving for salt is not met, you also might begin to notice your horse eating less feed and drinking less water. Next, your horse may begin to lose weight and become dehydrated.
Free choice salt can be provided either as block or a loose form. Horses will tend to consume higher levels of the loose salt than salt provided in blocks. Providing either loose or block salt is simple. Stall feeders for loose salt are available at many feed or tack stores and are easily mounted in most stalls. Blocks can be placed in mounted feeders or if on the ground, should also be placed in some type of on-the-ground feeder. Even though a horse’s needs for salt increases with sweat, this supplemental salt should be provided year round. This will ensure your horse always has sufficient opportunity to consume the required amount. It has been found; horses have a wide variety of the amount of salt consumed. Furthermore, intake will increase during hot, humid weather-with or without exercise.
For more information on helping horse handle the hot weather go to: